Fierce Wife Holds Wrap Up Party

Two nights ago, Fierce Wife aired its finale episode and the cast and crew got together on April 14th to celebrate its success. This drama has certainly come a long way, from less than stellar ratings to taking the lead in its timeslot for the last several weeks. Sadly, Sonia Sui couldn’t attend the party because she already had work plans for the day, but from the photos, it looked as if everyone else still had tons of fun that night.

She’s so adorbs!

Precious, precious! This would be little Wu Yi Zhen aka Ah Bao and James Wen, the father-daughter duo in FW.

The cast were also seen signing autographs. Netizens were able to guess that they were signing their autographs for an autograph book for fans. Only three of these autograph books are available and to get them, you would have had to leave a comment on the drama’s blog site and guess the viewership ratings for the finale episode. You would also have to include your address and name too. The contest ends on the 18th, but I think that would actually be today, since it is the 18th in Taiwan already.  The last I checked, over a thousand netizens left their guesses underneath that post.

I’m going to miss these two.

And this is what one of the much coveted autograph books look like. Since it’s too late to enter the contest now, the answer is that the last episode of FW brought in 10.81% ratings. Those ratings are pretty high for a Taiwanese drama, which further goes to show just how far this drama has come.

I haven’t watched the finale yet because I’m behind on my recaps and I didn’t want to watch it until I had caught up. I did hear that many were disappointed with the ending so I didn’t want to watch it for fear that I may lose interest in finishing my recaps if the ending sucked.  I apologize to Fierce Wife fans for the delay, but since I’m also lagging behind my work in real life, the episode 21 recap will definitely not come out today. However, I do promise to have all three pending recaps completed by the month of April, just after I finish playing catch up on my end.

Photo credits: Fierce Wife blog

3 thoughts on “Fierce Wife Holds Wrap Up Party

  1. Oh, I wouldn’t worry, I thought the ending was pretty true to the style of the drama as a whole. It didn’t have the candy-sweet ending that idol dramas generally have, but then this whole drama isn’t like that, so it suits. I thought the ending was just as low-key and realistic as expected.

    Now, if only someone would sub this series so more people could enjoy it…

    • Yeah, netizens didn’t like the ending most likely because of the romance part, or in this case, the lack of it. I still haven’t watched the finale, but I think I can guess what happens in the story. I’m glad to hear that you were satisfied with the ending because now I feel more assured. Cop-out endings suck, but if the ending stayed true to the drama, then I think I can breathe a sigh of relief & continue my recaps.

      I’m hoping against hope that I’ll have time to write a little bit each day. Unlike other bloggers out there, I can’t sit for 4-6 hours straight. I’m too much of a multi-tasker–and a slow thinker–to be able to do that. So props to all the fast recappers out there. I wish I were you right now. XD

      • Ha, thanks but I can’t recap to save my life. I don’t have the attention span to blog, much less sit down and structure thoughts. Commenting in bits and pieces is about as much as I can do. I thought about it for, like a week, then actually tried it and gave up in half an hour. So I admire you guys who are able to slog through recapping entire series…

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